Here is my most recently completed DBA army: Early Russians, III/78. This is an Essex army pack. I haven’t finished the Knight option yet, and may not paint the Horde at all.
Essex Early Russians: 3Cv(gen), 3Cv |
Inspiration for shield patterns and clothing colors came primarily from Osprey titles and some creativity. My goal was to use a variety of bold colors without looking too bright or gaudy. I’ve also tried to keep trying new colors instead of getting stuck in a rut.
Essex Early Russians: 2x3Cv |
The figures are quite nice. Not all Essex figures are sculpted very well, but these have nice sculpting and a good variety of poses.
Essex Early Russians: 3Cv |
Unfortunately, there is a bit of hazing from CA glue on the horses from gluing the grass onto the bases. This has cleared up a bit after I took the pictures, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem in the long run.
Essex Early Russians: 2x4Sp |
Essex Early Russians: 2x2Ps |
Essex Early Russians: 2x2LH |
Essex Early Russians: 3Ax |