Triumph Renovation part 2a: Warring States Chinese

To take advantage of Museum Miniatures’ January sale, I placed a large order for Warring States Chinese figures to bring my triple army up to date. So far I have painted up a lot of Bow Levy, and rebased my DBA 4Sp figures as Light Foot for Early Warring States.

All of the figures are Museum. The red guys were painted by JM, the rest by me.

After I finished painting up all the Bow Levy bowmen, I read the Meshwesh army list more closely and realized I should’ve gotten crossbowmen instead. I opted not to restart from scratch. I have about 5 more bow figures that I will eventually base as Skirmishers or Archers depending on what the army needs when I’m finished.

Newly painted Museum 15mm Warring States Chinese bow levy.

After rebasing, I got 16 stands of Light Foot out of my 12 stands of 4Sp and assorted spare spearmen. This is not quite enough for a triple Early Warring States army; it looks like I may need to buy a few more packs of spears or just pretend my halberdiers are light foot.

Rebased Warring States Chinese Light Foot, Museum Miniatures

JM’s basing didn’t match mine, and the paste he used ran off the sides of the metal bases, so I decided to rebase his 3Cb as proper Archers, and rebased a few Skirmishers for good measure.

Rebased Museum Miniatures Archers and Skirmishers

Running tally of Triumph Conversions

This post

  • Newly Painted: 12 elements; 36 figures (plus 5 not shown)
  • Rebased: 20 elements


  • Newly Painted: 34 elements; 109 figures
  • Painted/Rebased: 7 elements; 8 figures painted
  • Rebased: 32 elements