Preview: Norse Irish, Painted for the Kids

Over on the Fanaticus forum, I’m organizing a charity painting project.  Painters have volunteered to paint one or more elements of a DBA army.  When it’s finished, I’ll auction it off on Fanaticus, and all proceeds will go to the Child’s Play charity.

The army I selected was Norse Irish, II/46.  Most of the figures are from an Essex army pack, but some painters have volunteered to provide their own figures to save on shipping costs.  There will also be a camp and camp followers to go along with the army.

I sent out the unpainted figures, and completed the basing and groundwork after they were returned.  I decided having consistent basing would be important to giving the army a unified look, since the painting styles would be different.

Here’s a preview of the first 6 elements completed. I’ll be taking better pictrures when everything is finished.

A hearty thanks goes out to all of the participating painters! 

Jeff Franz painted two elements of Psiloi.
Frank Wesner painted the General (3Ax) and one 4Bd.
Alan Ferrency (me) painted one element of 4Bd.
Vincent Maloney painted one Auxilia.